Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Brayson's 2 months old!!

After Danny had been back to work for a week he received news that they were switching him to evening shift. This was like our worst nightmare because it has to be the worst shift 2pm until 11pm. So he is pretty much gone all day. He tried everything but couldn't get it worked out and had to work this shift. I think this depressed both of us a lot. We didn't get to spend a lot of time together now. We did work it out that he would come home and have baby duty until the 2 am feeding. At this point we started to let Brayson wake us up when he was ready to eat instead of being on a schedule now that he was gaining weight properly. Although, this worked out nice in letting me get some sleep it meant that Danny was going to sleep in and he usually didn't get up until after 11 or 11:30 and then only had a little while to spend with us before leaving for work. 

We did schedule Brayson's newborn photo shoot now that he was more of the size of a newborn. We did the shoot in my parents backyard. During the shoot Bray was naked and he started pooping and then he was peeing everywhere. It was so funny!! One of my dad's favorite moments was that he peed when he was lying on Danny's Ohio State jersey! When Brayson hit his due date of July 27th he was really arching and starting to spit up and sometimes projectile vomit. This was quite concerning to me. Also, on Brayson's due date Danny and I had our 1st date since he was born. We let my parents keep him overnight for the 1st time. We were nervous and I'm sure they were too! We went to dinner and then a movie and then stopped by to see him but we did leave him there and had a night to our self and sleep haha! When he was about 7 weeks old his projectile vomiting got really bad and scary to me so my mom and me took him to the Dr. They told us that he had acid reflux and gave us zantac to try. I was happy to get something to try and hopefully make my baby feel better. He was starting to be more awake now and a little more interactive but still mostly just sleeping. But now when he was awake he was crying a lot I think from the reflux. I might be in for a rough road with this reflux thing :( but we will see.

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