Tuesday, August 14, 2012

33 weeks 1 day! Just a normal day right?

So as Danny and I have been doing for awhile we drove home from our trip the night before everyone else. We picked up Chipper from Mary's house and slept in our own bed which was so nice considering the bed in the hotel was like a rock. The next day was June 9th, 2012 and I was 33 weeks 1 day pregnant. The next day I was supposed to have my other baby shower with my Sterling friends from tennis! Danny and I got up that morning and headed to the Braves game to get our Sid Bream bobblehead. I told him the only way I was going was if we had covered seats. Well he got us tickets in the Lexus level which has a/c inside and I sat in there most of the time. Besides feeling tired I felt pretty normal that day. For some odd reason Danny decided that we could leave the game early and I was so happy b/c the chairs were so uncomfortable. We left and made the long walk out to the parking lot. While we were in the car on our way to the varsity I felt what I thought was a real contraction. I just figured my body was trying to get ready for labor and just preparing itself.

Danny and I went to the Varsity and ordered our food. As we were eating I was about 2/3 of the way done with my hotdog when I felt a warm gush. I'm pretty sure I lost all the color in my face. I looked up at Danny and told him that I was pretty sure my water had just broken. He was like no way. I said yes and he looked and saw water dripping off of my chair onto the floor. He ran up to the counter and asked for a towel and they gave him a tiny little washcloth haha!! Now we had the attention of all the other people in the restaurant and they came over and started offering to help. They offered to clean up and throw our food away and just told Danny to get me to the hospital. As we left the restaurant my shoes were squeaking and water was running down my legs. It was quite embarrassing. Danny got a bag out of the car for me to sit on. On the way I called my parents and told my dad my water had broken. He thought I was playing a joke at first  b/c it was so early but then could hear in my voice that I was serious and he said it's to early. On our way to the hospital Danny called our insurance and told them what had happened and that we were on our way. I stayed pretty calm but started to freak out the closer we got b/c my water continued to come out and I was scared.

When we arrived at the hospital they were expecting me but didn't have a room ready yet. I sat in the lobby of the hospital in a wheel chair for what felt like forever but I think was about 15 minutes. As I was sitting there my water continued to break and was pouring over the wheel chair onto the floor. When they wheeled me back Danny said there was a trail the whole way to the room. My parents got there pretty quick and I wanted to see my mom so bad. They put me on the monitors for me and the baby. I was contracting but they weren't very strong yet. They gave me a shot to stop the contractions and a steroid shot to help mature Brayson's lungs. I was eventually moved to a labor and delivery room. The Dr. finally came in and talked to me and told me the plan was to get 2 steroid shots and to stop labor until Friday when I would be 34 weeks. They then had to give me a 2nd shot to stop the contractions but that wasn't working so I was told I would be put on magnesium to stop the contractions and I would have to get an IV and catheter. I was so afraid to get the catheter. I was put on an extremely high dose of magnesium and had never felt so sick in my whole life. Danny went home to get a bag for me and him and our camera and anything else we may need. We weren't sure if the mag was going to work our not and needed to be prepared. My parents went home and Danny I stayed for our 1st of many nights in the hospital.

The next day was Sunday and supposed to be the day of my 2nd shower. Instead, I was in the hospital feeling like complete and total crap with the absolute worst headache and double vision. It felt like the flu times 10 ugh. I had a view visitors during the day and then my mom and aunt insisted that I be moved to the room across the hall b/c it was brighter and better view. So they moved me. I could have cared less I felt so bad so it was more for them than me. Apparently mag makes you extremely hot too so I had the air so low but everyone else was in their winter jackets in the middle of June. I was still roasting even with the air so low. I got my 2nd steroid shot and told that if I could make it to Tues I would be taken off the mag and let my body due what it wanted. Monday was more of the same feeling miserable and out of it. Finally, I made it to 8am on Tues am and they were allowed to stop the mag. Within an hr my head started to clear up and I started to feel better. I had the best nurse for 2 of those days I was in labor and delivery her name was Erin. Her and another nurse came in and gave me a sponge bath complete with a hair washing. It felt soooooo good. It also felt so good to be clean since it had been since Sat that I had showered. That day I had a pretty good day and my contractions had completely stopped. So about 3 that afternoon they decided to move me upstairs to the high risk unit. High risk is more for a long term stay and they figured I had until Fri until they were going to induce my labor they also monitor you less. It's supposed to be more of a hotel room feel. So they removed my catheter and I stood up for the 1st time in day to get in the wheel chair. I was now able to get up and use the restroom on my own but that was the only time I was allowed out of the bed.

That night we tried to go to bed early b/c we were tired but I had a really hard time sleeping. I could hear every little noise. At around 2:30 I got up to use the restroom and then noticed that I was having contractions. So I paged the nurse to come in and we monitored them for a while. They were about 7 min apart so the nurse had the midwife come check me and I was still at 1. She gave me a shot of morphine and I think I dosed in and out of sleep until around 10:30am. The best you can when the nurses and staff are in and out of your room. At 10:30 the contractions felt like they had intensified and I woke up Danny and we started timing them. They were about 5 min apart and lasting about a min each. At lunch time the Dr. came in and she checked me again. She said I was a 2. They didn't want to check me to much though b/c of the risk of infection to me and the baby. They ordered a pain killer for me and I got my 1st dose around 2.  I tried to go to sleep b/c it made me feel very loopy. But at this point I was having very bad back labor and it was hurting so bad. The medicine made the front contractions go away or to the point where I couldn't feel them. But didn't touch the back contractions. That whole day was awful for me as I was in labor and none of the nurses were listening to me.

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