The Monday after m
Laying on the table she started the ultrasound and there on the screen was 1 perfect sack and the tiniest little blob in it with a beating heart. Danny had the biggest smile on his face and I'm pretty sure I cried. She let us listen to the hb and it was beating at 113bpm at that point which was perfect. It was so amazing to see something that small but it already had a heartbeat. The baby at that point measured at .04mm. So tiny! We were ecstatic!! I was scheduled to go back 2 weeks later for another ultrasound to make sure everything still looked good!
I have a funny story for in between this time! I am not an emotional person and don't really cry a lot. Well my dad who will never live this down gave me my 1st emotional pregnancy moment. He called and said he was going up to the lake and asked if he could bring me back a piece of strawberry cake! I said YES!! Well this was at like 11:30 am and I was impatiently waiting for him to get back with my cake. Around 1:30 I called him and he was on his way home and I asked if he was going to bring me my cake. He said maybe but wasn't sure. I thought for sure he would bring it to me!! Well around 2:30 I saw him log back into the computer and I was crushed. I started bawling my eyes out b/c my dad didn't bring me my cake! I realized how stupid this was and started laughing too! I video chatted my dad and he was laughing at me too. I did however, have to get in my car and go get my cake! All I can say is wow I can't believe I cried over cake but hey my emotions are all over the place being pregnant!
On Mon, Dec 19th we went in to make sure the baby was growing appropriately. I was 8w3d at this point. We brought mom and dad this time. I really wanted dad to be able to see his 1st grandchild. So we did the ultrasound and there was our little miracle blob! Our baby had quadrupled in size in just 2 weeks and was now .16mm!! The heart beat at this point was around 170 bpm and Danny decided based on Old Wives tales that it was a girl!! On that day I got dismissed from RBA and was released to go to my OB/GYN through Kaiser. I made my 1st appt and we went in at 9w6d. On Christmas Eve we announced to the rest of dad's family that we were expecting our 1st child!! Then on Christmas was mom's family turn. I made both sets of Great Grandparents a picture frame that told them we were expecting. It was very exciting and everyone was thrilled!!
We went in for ob/gyn appt and got to have another ultrasound. It is so amazing to see how quickly a baby grows. At this appt the hb was 174bpm and you could start to make out where the arms and legs were forming. The baby was wiggling around and it was very cool to see. I was told to come back in 4 weeks and we made the appt. 4 weeks felt like a long time b/c up to this point I had been continually monitored and to have to go 4 weeks was crazy.
As far as symptoms go, I got away pretty lucky. I was really tired all the time and I was having some major food aversions (steak and cheeseburgers yuck). I never got physically sick though and that was great for me. Also, I was starting to get bloody noses. I rolled over in bed 1 morning and my nose started dripping blood. It took Danny and I 45 min to get my nose to stop bleeding. It was crazy. Danny went and bought me a humidifier that day. I got about 4 bloody noses total all when waking up. At 12 weeks pregnant I woke up and my chest felt so heavy. I felt like I had the flu with fever and all and went to the dr. I ended up having a URI (upper respiratory infection). Ugh! At this point I wasn't excited about taking meds for this b/c I didn't want to take anything to harm the baby, but they reassured me these drugs were safe during pregnancy. Also, during and up to this point I was still wearing estrogen patches and Danny was giving me the progesterone injection daily. At 12 weeks pregnant was my last progesterone shot!! I was so excited to be done but also scared. At 12 weeks they say the placenta should have taken over. Up to this point my pregnancy was reliant on the injection and patches. The 1st trimester felt like the longest 3 months of my life! I was constantly worried that something would happen. Danny and I ordered a home doppler so we could hear the babies hb anytime we wanted. It cost $60 and was so worth it. The day we got it in I woke him up at lunch time and we found the babies hb. I was 13weeks. It was so awesome to hear it on our own doppler and know the baby was just fine! At 14 weeks we had our 2nd OB appt and the baby did not cooperate so we had to have an ultrasound to find the hb but we did and got a clean bill of health. Well the next day I got a call and I had a UTI. So I was still on the other meds and now had to add another one I was not happy. But in other news I was officially out of my 1st trimester and also what is considered the danger zone. So finally I think I can start to relax somewhat and start to be really excited. Danny and I went and ordered our nursery furniture that night! Very excited to get it!
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