The next day feels like a very long day. You are told you will be called with the fertilization report by 1pm. Well at like 1:15 I finally got my call. They removed 15 eggs, 12 of which were mature. Out of those 12 they used 10 of the for a procedure called ICIS which is where they directly put 1 sperm into 1 egg. The other 2 we wanted to see if they would fertilize naturally or naturally in IVF terms. Well to our surprise all 12 eggs had fertilized. Next you wait to see if they are strong enough to grow into a 5 day embryo or if they need to do a 3 day embryo. They want to be able to do a 5 day embryo b/c if it was natural the 5 day embryo would be where it needs to be when the embryo lands in the uterus and is ready for implantation. We were scheduled for a 5 day embryo transfer which took place on Sun, Sep 4th.
We went in to have our embryo transfer and were extremely optimistic. We got a picture of what would hopefully become our baby and they did the procedure. We only put 1 embryo in b/c of our age. This is not painful but very uncomfortable. You must have a full bladder and they have an ultrasound wand pushed down on your bladder. They then insert the embryo into your uterus through a catheter in your cervix. Then you have to lay there with a full bladder for 5 min. The day after the egg retrieval I had started wearing estrogen patches and that day I started taking a vaginal progesterone insertion. Being that it was Labor Day weekend I just tried to take it very easy for the next 2 days. After embryo transfer they have you on very limited activities so your body doesn't undergo anything to not accept the embryo. The wait to find out if you are pregnant is 10 loooooonnnnnnngggggg days. The Friday after the embryo transfer my chest, face and neck broke out into a horrible rash. I figured it was a reaction to the possibly the progesterone. It subsided after a few days but was weird. I was scheduled for my pregnancy test on Wed, Sep 14th. Well on Mon I started to spot. Spotting for me has always meant my period is coming so my heart started to sink. This began our week of hell. The spotting was light and tapered off and then came back. I cried on Mon but tried to remain hopeful. On Tues the spotting was very light so I tried to be hopeful until later in the afternoon when the spotting turned more red. By around 5:30 or so I was full blown bleeding and my heart was crushed. I cried and cried and was so upset. The next day wasn't any better. I had to go in for my pregnancy test. Well, I get there and none of my veins worked. I got stuck a few times with not a drop of blood coming out and then got sent to Quest instead. Well I got to Quest and the fire alarm goes off so I left and got breakfast and went back to the dr. office and had them try again. Well after being poked a total of 5 times she gave up and told me to go back to Quest. I did and luckily that lady got it on the 1st try. I didn't hear back from the dr. office that day so the next morning I called and was waiting for a call back.
Around lunch time on Thurs, Dr. Slayden called me. He told me that my pregnancy test came back as positive but the number was really really low. My number was 16 and to be a viable pregnancy at that point it needs to be around 50. He said that I was miscarrying. Basically having a miscarriage that early is called a chemical pregnancy. The embryo implants but for some reason does not make it. Most women never even know that this happens b/c they start to bleed when they would get there period. I needed to go back in on the following Mon and make sure that all of the HCG had left my body. I made an appt for Danny and I to meet with Dr. Slayden on Wed, Sept 21st to discuss our next option and what happened. I have to say going through this probably is the hardest thing I have ever done. My heart was broken, my spirits crushed and I was just so sad. I wondered why I had felt so lead to do IVF from God and then it didn't work. Then I felt so bad for questioning God and I had to not be angry but no this was for a reason. We continued to pray everyday for our miracle.
Meeting Dr. Slayden we decided that we should do a frozen embryo transfer. I would start by taking Lupron (another injection) for about 2 to 3 weeks to suppress my ovaries. Dr. Slayden told us that frozen embryo transfers were more successful b/c the body isn't so stressed from everything the IVF procedures put them through. We had 4 frozen embryos and we would put 2 in when the time came. Next is starting this very long cycle!
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